Bottom Radiator Hose (UR22921)
This is the bottom radiator hose. 1980-1986 (Vin 1001-17000) except Turbo models
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Create A New AccountThis is a Rebuilt Water Pump Assembly Impeller (spin on type) with a 2 year guarantee, gasket included.
The Core charge does not apply if you send yours in first. Flat charge will be $375
1984 - 1993
Brooklands VIN 46260-46778
Continental VIN 20238-42728
Corniche VIN 20010-30636
Mulsanne, Spirit, Spur VIN 20003-46781
Turbo VIN 09505-46782
CORE CHARGE $300 / Core charge is refundable if core is returned in rebuild-able condition.
When returning core, please insure with shipper and pack with care as this also will determine if, core is in rebuild-able condition and the core charge is refunded.