quick view Add to Cart Sump Gasket / Oil Pan Gasket (RE10419) MSRP: $79.42 This is the Sump Gasket for the Oil Pan / Sump Pan (RE10417) 1945-1955 Silver Wraith, Mk-6, R-type, Silver Dawn Models Add to Cart
quick view Add to Cart Oil Level Sender Gasket (UE73618) MSRP: $13.00 This is the gasket for the fuel and oil level senders. We offer a Nitrile rubber gasket (UE73618NR). 1945-1955 Silver Wraith, Mk-6, R-type, Silver Dawn Models 1955-1965 Silver Cloud & S-series & Continental & Phantom V ... Add to Cart
quick view Add to Cart Drain Plug / Sump Plug (UG526) MSRP: $93.86 This is the engine sump plug. Supersession RG3744 When used as an engine sump plug / drain plug you need washer XB1093. It is also the drain plug on the Silver Shadow and Bentley T fuel tanks from VIN 7694 onwards. As a fuel tank plug it takes washer... Add to Cart